Why Am I Not Getting Job Interviews?

Tips and considerations for job seekers 

You don’t need to tell me that the job market isn’t exactly a fun place right now. Job seekers everywhere are frustrated with challenges such as: 

  • Competing with 200-300+ applicants for a particular position 

  • Ghost job offerings with no actual plan on the company’s end to hire 

  • Wondering why they’re applying all the places and not getting job interviews

If you’re a job seeker, perhaps you’re considering it too, “Why am I not getting job interviews?” 

There are many factors at play and this blog will get you started with tips and considerations to consider when submitting your resume and application to help increase your chances of getting the interview. 

Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
I’m not suggesting that you don’t try applying at all nor that you don’t get excited about various positions and opportunities. As I said before, the job market is a challenging landscape to navigate right now and things are changing fast. Maintain an optimistic attitude and don’t get too attached to any one job or put all your eggs in one basket. 

Customize Each Resume 

Many employers are using AI to filter through resumes and applicants. They’re moving quickly and looking for keywords in your resume that indicate you’d be a good fit.

When you’re reading a job description and preparing to apply, take the time to customize your resume and include the keywords found in the exact description the company outlines.

Don’t lie and say you have skills you don’t, but when skills and knowledge areas align - use the keywords they’re using.  

In today’s job market, there’s no such thing as a one-size fits all resume and it’s essential to tailor your resume for each job you apply to.

I understand it’s not fun, it’s an extra step, and it might also be frustrating and time-consuming, but it’s worth it and in many instances, will help you get through to the next phase of applicant selection. 

When I work with clients, I help them do this - we sit down and match the words they’re using on their resume with positions they’re applying to and I show them how to do this to ensure their resume speaks to the keyword-seeking robots (and the human when it gets to their desk). 

Upload an ATS-Compliant Resume 

We all want our resumes to be pretty. Modern day AI isn’t scanning for your branding and aesthetics, they’re on a quest for keywords. 

My suggestion is to have two versions of your resume. The first (and perhaps most important to getting job interviews) is an ATS-compliant resume which helps you to get through the system. It’s not lovely, it looks like something from the 60’s, but it works and it’s required. 

The second version is your pretty resume, the resume you use through LinkedIn and when you’re connecting with people directly. You can also send this one once you have a contact at the company you’re applying to.

For more information on creating an ATS-compliant resume, I recommend this read. 

Get on LinkedIn 

If you’re not already on LinkedIn, you need to be. I know, I know, you don’t do “social media” but frankly, you need to be there and have a strong profile (also using relevant keywords). 

If you have positions and experience from 30 years ago, consider not including them and eliminating those when they’re not helpful to the positions you’re seeking to get today. Those old positions can also appear outdated and irrelevant, so check twice whether or not every job you’ve had since college needs to be on your LinkedIn profile. Be scrupulous, concise, and thorough. 

If you’re spinning your wheels asking yourself, “Why am I not getting job interviews?” and you’re not on LinkedIn, that’s your first step after reading this blog. 

Educate Yourself 

Stay in the know as much as possible on industry trends, keywords, and important skills and knowledge areas for the positions you’re applying for. 

If you want someone by your side guiding you through this, I would love to help! I work with job-seeking clients who are changing careers, looking for a new position after being laid off, or ready for a new opportunity. 

Together, we go through every aspect of the resume, application, interview-prep, and job-seeking process with the intention of getting you to stand out from all the noise and get that job interview! 

Ready to get started? Click HERE to Schedule a Discovery Call with Me!


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