AI in the Workplace

Considerations that Impact Your Company’s Culture

A hand fist pumping with a platic robot hand

Remember when the internet was brand new? 

AI is giving me 90’s vibes, how about you? AI is being used throughout the workplace in almost every industry. A lot of it is relatively new technology and some are fearful of it: 

  • Will it replace all of our jobs? 

  • What are the regulations in place for how it can be used? 

  • What if the robots take over and start controlling us? 

Ok, so that last one is a little far-fetched. But if you think back to when the internet first came out, we were equally fearful of it’s power and had many of the same questions and concerns.

When the internet started going public, people were scared too. Fast forwarding thirty years, it’s more strange to be off the internet than on and it’s deeply interwoven into so much of our lives. It’s created jobs, opportunities, connections, and ways to access information that we didn’t have before. Before we could see all the good and potential of the internet (and trust me, I’m aware of it’s downsides too!), we feared it because it was an unknown. 

AI in the workplace is similar to this and for some it might feel that science fiction novels are unfolding before their very eyes. 

Just like we had a responsibility with the internet and needed to learn to manage it and our relationship with it in our lives and companies, we need to do the same for AI. 

It’s not the end-all-be all, but AI is here to stay and likely has a place in your workplace as a resource and tool. This blog will share three important considerations for the use of AI in your company depending on the culture you want to create. 

Three Things to Consider in How Your Company Brings AI into the Workplace 

  1. What’s your culture and philosophy? 

The first place to start when asking where you want to implement the use of AI is to ask what kind of culture you want in your company and workplace. Are AI tools enhancing and contributing to that culture or detracting? Some companies may need to go to the root and look at their philosophy, values, mission, and what they stand for to determine where it’s a good fit and where it’s misaligned. Does it make employees feel how you want them to? Does it empower teams and connect them or pull them apart? Only you can answer these questions as they relate to your own company culture and the specific AI tools you’re looking to bring into the workplace. They’re important questions and asking them from the get-go can help you get clarity with the decisions you make around AI. 

2. What regulations and rules around AI will you implement within your company? 

There are quite a few companies facing challenges with confidential company information being in the hands of open AI. Some of these issues can be avoided with the correct policies, procedures, and regulations in place around the use of AI in the workplace. With the power of AI comes great responsibility to ensure it’s being used appropriately and positively. What types of information within or outside the company will be allowed into AI tools? How can you ensure confidential information remains confidential?

3. How do your employees feel about AI in the workplace? 

AI isn’t to be feared and while it’s a helpful tool, it can’t replace the humans in your workplace. It’s important to ask your employees about how they feel and welcome a space that allows them to express their concerns and questions around AI in the workplace. You can use the conversations to share how AI can help humans rather than hold them back, and reassure your team members just how much you value their unique skills and brilliance. You can also discuss risks and concerns and work on strategizing solutions together.

Take the Next Step 

As a leader, decision-maker, or executive, I address the fears and concerns you have about bringing AI into your workplace as well as navigate some of the risks and benefits. I help you build your company culture from the top-down, and will guide you to make the decisions that matter as you look to bring AI into your organization. 

Ready to get started? Click HERE to Schedule a Discovery Call with Me!


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