Speak Up and Brag About YOU in 2023 Make a Resolution to Tell the World What You Do

I grew up in an environment where you weren’t really supposed to talk about your accomplishments and successes. It was frowned upon to “brag” about yourself. 

Sound similar to anything you were taught? 

I talk to a lot of women who struggle to share their accomplishments and let their achievements shine! They have a hard time talking about what they do, or what they’ve successfully built because they don’t want to come across as though they’re bragging. 

As women, we’re often raised to believe we’re supposed to be humble -it’s ok if others highlight our greatness, but we often (incorrectly) feel that if we do it ourselves, it’s arrogant, prideful, or boasting. 

And no one wants to be seen as conceited or self-absorbed, do we?

Here’s the catch. When you fail to speak up and share what you do or give yourself permission to tell proudly how you’re talented, qualified, and where you excel, you get passed over for opportunities. Others who DO share why they’re the expert and the best choice will get picked instead. 

It’s time we, as women, get comfortable with stating what we’ve achieved. Make it a resolution to tell the world proudly what you do! 

As a coach, I help small business owners and executive women with this issue all the time, and I’ve had to learn how I needed some work around it myself recently too! In this blog, I share why it’s important to reframe “bragging” about yourself to sharing the facts and two ways to get started making it more comfortable for you to do TODAY. 

Don’t leave it to others to assume or guess why you’re the best candidate for the job. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your actions will gain you positive recognition or speak to your potential clients for you on their own. Tell them! 

Self-Promotion is Not Bragging 

The first thing to recognize is that self-promotion is not bragging. It’s simply providing facts. It’s an accurate representation of what you’ve accomplished. 

It’s no more “bragging” than colors on a painting are colors on a painting. They’re just the individual components that went into bringing the whole picture together. 

I started Stamer Consulting as a side gig and it became rapidly successful once I learned to start speaking up about what I do and sharing my background. As I was first getting ready to officially launch back in 2018, I’d get asked what I do. I knew the value of my work and the change I inspired, but at first, I fell into the trap of holding back a bit on how I shared, “Oh, I’m a small business consultant.” 

“Oh, that’s interesting,” was often the response. And that’s where the conversation ended or we moved on to the next topic. 

What I didn’t realize was that not sharing all the FACTS of what I did was a missed opportunity for connection and curiosity. Once I had the epiphany that I was shutting down their interest in learning more before I even started, I knew something needed to change in how I spoke about my business and accomplishments. I decided it was time to start BRAGGING. 

Between you and me, I have an impressive background… 

  • I’ve spent over sixteen years in the hospitality industry working in food service, operations, conference planning, and sales 

  • I worked at University of Pennsylvania for over 25 years where I ran the Weiss Tech House (their FIRST tech innovation center for entrepreneurs) 

  • I created first-class training programs for student leaders and coached hundreds of startups from ideation to launch 

  • And I have expertise and experience with a huge variety of industries and knowledge in a everything from fiscal management to operating a business with chronic conditions. 

My business development and strategy brain came from a diversified background and lots of education! Like you, it took me years of experience and learning to get to where I am today. 

And, to top it all off.. I’m super excited and passionate about the work I do - so why was I trying so hard to contain all that and keep it a secret? 

I made a decision that the next time someone asked me what I do, I would answer, “Well, I work with small businesses and help them transform their company and make it better!” 

When I got my opportunity, I said it enthusiastically and with all the energy I feel for what I do. 

Answering in that way (notice, it’s still FACT) immediately piqued their interest and curiosity and continuing to share about myself in this way, I got two new clients out of that within a period of like six weeks before I’d even launched my business officially!! 

Today, if someone asks, what my company is, I share proudly, “I provide business strategy and coaching where I help small businesses look at what’s working and what isn’t and make changes.” 

The response I get to a bold (factual) statement like that is often, “I need to hire you!” “I have someone to introduce you to!” “I need to take you to lunch!” 

See how a simple shift from hiding to sharing facts can open up the doors of possibility? 

Instead of trying to humbly squeak out what you do, be enthusiastic and positive about it and others will be even more interested and have to know more about working with you! They will probably even ask you more questions about your unique background and the expertise that sets you apart! 

Remember that what makes you an expert, your qualifications on paper, your experience, and your background are simply statements of fact. 

Whether you’re an executive or a small business owner, speaking up and sharing what makes you GREAT is a skill. 

Yes, it can be an uncomfortable one to learn (remember, some of these messages have been ingrained in you your entire life), but learning how to talk about your accomplishments in an authentic and positive way will open doors you never could’ve imagined!!

Three Ways to Start Bragging with Grace TODAY 

  1. Keep it relevant.  

When we decide to speak up and share our successes, remember that we don’t need to go into every line of our entire resume. There’s a fine line between sharing what your area of expertise is and sharing something because your ego needs to be fed. And often that fine line is crossed when we share things that aren’t relevant. 

Example: They don’t need to know you graduated from Cornell Summa Cum Laude with a 3.97 GPA but they might need to know you majored in Business Management, or have an MBA. 

Save the specific details for your LinkedIn “Education” section and share the relevant information for helping them understand more about how you can help: 

I opened and operated a center for entrepreneurs for 20 years, and helped them launch their companies. Many of them whom I supported have gone on to raise seed funding. 

  1. Be authentic and warm when sharing your information. 

Much of what feels “sheisty” or “icky” when you hear someone share about themselves in a way that seems braggadocious is in the way they say it. 

These individuals may come across as though they have all the answers, or in an aggressive or defensive tone, or perhaps you sense they lack the willingness to listen to YOU as much as you are them. When you share about yourself, do it in a way that’s true to your personality and speaking style and you’ll naturally come across as authentic and warmer. Don’t force facts into a discussion randomly, instead allow them to be a part of the conversation and back and forth. Ask questions of others and be curious about them and their background too! 

  1. Get started! 

Think of some ways you can bring more of your expertise to light and highlight some of your incredibleness and then try it in your next conversation! Never underestimate the power of sharing your experience and expertise with others. Speak up and brag a little! Make it your New Year’s Resolution to tell the world what you do! 

I hope this blog helped you to shift your perspective and reframe bragging to sharing facts and information that helps others make a decision in choosing you.  

I’d love to hear from you about what YOUR going to start bragging about! Email me here: 

Is this something you struggle with or are challenged by? 

Want some individual support around speaking up and stepping out with your unique bold message with more confidence? I can help! 

If you’re looking for a professional business consultant with a qualified and diverse background who listens to your unique problems and engineers effective solutions, I’d love to invite you to book a Discovery Call with me HERE! 

My strategic advice and encouragement have helped my clients achieve their goals and make life-changing improvements.


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