The Right Tools Make All The Difference

(Featuring My Rescue Dog Olive)

Image of Anne Stamers Dog Olive

I got my dog, Olive, from a rescue in February 2020, about 3 weeks before the COVID lockdown.  She was 10 months old and I was now her 3rd home.  She is a sweet, loving girl but she is very reactive to everything.   Taking her for a walk in the neighborhood became a painful chore. 

I took her to a special vet and hired a dog trainer, but with little to no results. 

After struggling for another 18 months, I finally hired a trainer that used tools I was very hesitant about, like a muzzle and gentle leader head collar.  The trainer showed me how to use these tools to calm Olive when she is over-excited. 

And with these tools little by little I saw huge improvement! My dog is calmer and listens to me more.  She knows that when these tools are on her, she has to act a certain way.  Much to my amazement, my trainer and I had a fantastic session recently in a big box lumber store on a busy Saturday.

So why am I sharing all this? 

I realized I was not using the right tools to help my dog the way she needed. 

It took hiring a professional trainer that was familiar with a multitude of tools and that could recognize my dog's personality and match the two. That's what hiring a coach and consultant does for your business too.

I can look at your business see your strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations on tools and strategies that fill the gaps. 

Also if you’re looking for a professional business consultant with a qualified and diverse background who listens to your unique problems and engineers' effective solutions, I’d love to invite you to book a Discovery Call with me HERE!


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