What to do When You Get Ghosted

How to spot ghost jobs and decide whether or not to apply

Ever applied for a job that seemed like a dream opportunity only to never hear back? Or perhaps you noticed the perfect role you had your eyes on through LinkedIn Jobs has been reposted with a completely different title? And don’t even get me started on when you apply for a job, land an interview, and then… crickets… 

You might have been ghosted! 

Ghost jobs are job postings that may not result in an actual hire and there are a few reasons that you might’ve been ghosted after an interview. 

This blog will explore both as I share some tips on how to spot ghost jobs and determine whether or not it’s worth your time to apply. 

Ghost Jobs - Are They Real or a Scam? 

Ghost jobs are job postings that may never result in an actual hire or lead to a real position. Despite their vague descriptions, they might seem legitimate at first, but for various reasons the role is either never filled or may not even exist. 

Why on earth would a company post a ghost job!? I know, when I first started seeing them pop up, I had the same question. 

Some companies post these jobs to present themselves as more economically-stable or attractive to investors. They might use the postings to generate leads for future contacts as they build a database. They may also sell this database to other parties for profit. Ghost jobs can be a part of scamming and getting personal information out of you and others. 

But, not all ghost jobs are nefarious in nature. 

There are actually a number of reasons companies might post a ghost job including: 

  • Marketing experiments: Companies may test out job titles or descriptions to see what attracts the most interest and qualified talent. 

  • Talent pool building: Some companies post roles to begin building a list of great candidates for when they may need to hire later but haven’t made a concrete decision yet on what they’re hiring for or when.

  • Role definition: While there may be a role available, the exact scope of the role might not be determined yet. As they begin receiving applications, they can better define the role and determine whether or not the position is even necessary.

  • Internal approval delays: Some companies do plan to hire, but need more time to shape the role and gain financial (or other internal) approval. 

How to Spot a Ghost Job

No matter the job, you always want to check the details! In the instance of a ghost job, the job description tends to be light on the specifics. There are often broad or vague responsibilities that lack clarity on actual daily tasks and required skills. 

Researching the company can also help you to spot a ghost job. Investigate the company’s website, online presence, and social media. Are there credible LinkedIn profiles associated with the company? Can you find the name of a person who responds to inquiries or is in charge of making hiring decisions? 

Lastly, check to see how long the job has been posted and/or if it’s been reposed with minor tweaks (ie. the title has been changed). This can indicate that they’re testing titles or perhaps not in a rush to hire anyone to fill the role as they gain internal approval or test the market. 

Unclear details such as salary ranges, timelines for hiring, and roles/responsibilities are all red flags that you might be looking at a ghost job.

Should You Apply for a Ghost Job? 

You might be surprised to hear me say that I don’t always discourage my Career Coaching clients from applying for a ghost job! 

Even if you know a job is a ghost job, there are reasons you might opt to apply anyway, especially if the company is reputable or the role seems ideal. If you do apply, just keep in mind that there’s a risk of not getting a response or hearing back months down the road. 

If you apply for a ghost job: 

  1. Make sure the company is a legitimate company to protect yourself as best as possible from scams

  2. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Continue applying to other jobs and networking while waiting. Ghost jobs can delay your search, but they shouldn’t derail it.

  3. Stay engaged and prepared. Even if it’s a ghost job, submitting your resume could get you into the company’s system and it might be worth the effort, as long as you’re realistic with your expectations. 

What to do when you’re ghosted after an interview: 

There’s another common scenario that occurs in today’s job market where you apply for a position, get a response, a next step, or even get offered an interview. Then, you never hear back one way or the other, despite following up. 

Some common reasons for being ghosted are: 

  • Lack of direction within the company. They realized they posted without the clarity they needed! 

  • Financial approval fell through or was never secured to begin with. 

  • Multiple candidates are being considered and the process is being dragged out. 

  • The company doesn’t have bandwidth or manpower to respond to all applicants and interviewees 

My best advice, after following up professionally, is to move on if you don’t hear back. Don’t take it personally! It often has far more to do with their internal processes than your qualifications or you as a candidate. 

Focus on the progress you’re making in your career search, keep applying, continue networking, and improving your skills. Don’t let ghosting zap your confidence or slow you down! 

A Final Word for Job Seekers 

Networking is still king! Even in 2024, approximately 80% of jobs come through networking rather than online applications. Connections are very likely to increase your chances of helping you land your next opportunity and finding you that right fit. 

Leverage your network by reaching out to people you know at companies hiring (or in your industry) to get a sense of what’s available or coming available soon and whenever possible, get a personal introduction to decision makers and hiring managers.  

Ghost Jobs Aren’t so Scary! 

Despite the prevalence of ghost jobs out there, I encourage you to stay diligent and optimistic in your job search. Apply with awareness no matter where you’re submitting your resume too and don’t let ghost jobs (or being ghosted) hold you back. 

Ready to work with a career coach who can help you weather today’s ever-changing job market and gain the confidence you need to find that right fit? I’d love to connect with you and talk about your big vision and goals for your next chapter! 


Action vs. Implementation