Building Communities Everywhere You Go

A group of adults at a picnic table in a field enjoying food, drinks and talking together

Let me ask you a simple question, “Who are you?” 

Ok, obviously I’m joking and that isn’t a simple question, nor would I expect a simple answer.

Many people when describing who they are share in the context of others: I’m a spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent, friend. They also describe who they are based on the roles/occupations they hold: I’m a coach, consultant, accountant, CEO, etc. 

What we don’t always share is who we are in the context of the communities we surround ourselves with. And, no matter who you are, chances are high that you actually have several communities in your life. 

This blog will help you reflect on and consider all the ways community shows up in your life and help you lean into the communities around you during times of transition, confusion, or growth! 

What is Community REALLY? 

The word “community” seems straightforward enough, but it has a lot of power behind it and there’s more to community than what meets the eye! 

Community could be made up of 2, 30, 4,500, or 20,000 (or more) individuals depending on the community being defined. It often conveys a sense of togetherness, forward momentum, and positivity. 

By definition, a community is: 

“A group of people who share an identity-forming narrative.” 

Where is Community-Building Taking Place in Your Life? 

This might include a common heritage, goal, interest, belief system, social tie… the list goes on. 

Even the most introverted amongst us is typically surrounded by and involved in at least a few communities. Take a moment and reflect and consider all the communities in your own life: 

  • Are you part of a gym or health-related community? 

  • Are you involved in a church or spiritual community? 

  • Are you in a community focused on personal growth or development? 

  • Are you in a community with other like-minded industry leaders 

  • Are you in a trade or professional community?

  • Are you in any educational communities? 

  • Do you participate in any special interest communities or hobby groups? 

Health, spirituality, personal, professional, educational, and beyond… community is all around us! Consider all the places in your own life that you’re already fostering community and you’ll see that you’re building communities nearly everywhere you go. 

The Benefits of Building Community 

Community building has a number of benefits including increased mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It also can propel you towards personal and professional growth, provide you meaning and purpose, create a sense of connection and belonging, and contribute to a better quality of life overall. 

Your community is a great place to expand on what you’re learning about yourself and make sense of reflections and ideas. The conversations that occur in community can help you gain more insight on who you are, how others perceive you, and who you want to be. 

Community can be your testing ground to see whether or not you want to move forward in a given direction. Voicing reflections and posing questions can help you feel validated, find clarity, and hear from those who’ve been in your shoes. 

Community acts as your support system through change and transition and your cheerleaders supporting you in success. 

A community allows you to see not only who you are in a bubble or vacuum, it shows you things about yourself you can’t see and brings to light who you are in an entirely new way.  

Community helps you process, think, revise, take action confidently, and grow in tandem with others. I find that, especially for those undergoing a major transition or change in life/career, community is often a huge part of the story. You can lean on the members of your community to stand by your side and help you every step of the way. 

Have I Convinced You? 

Here’s your encouragement to tap into building communities everywhere you go! Lean on the communities you’re already a part of to help you in your journey. If you’re part of a community you’ve put on the backburner, look for ways to get more actively involved! If you don’t feel as though you’re part of a community where you belong, keep seeking until you find where you do. And if the community you’re looking for doesn’t yet exist, maybe it’s time YOU are the one who creates it! 

Need Guidance and Support? 

I’d love to provide you with tools and resources to grow, learn, and discover new things about yourself. I’ll guide you to connect more intentionally with communities around you as you find the communities to help you along in your growth, no matter where you are in your journey. Send me an email to get started!


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